Ekwentị mkpanaka
+86 0755 21634860

Mobile Patrol

  • Security Guard Mobile Patrol APP with NFC

    Nchebe Mobile Patrol APP na NFC

    Nchekwa nchekwa Mobile Patrol APP nwere NFC bụ ọrụ ngwa mkpanaaka nwere mkpado NFC, maka ndị na-eche nche na-eji ekwentị ekwentị ha nyochaa okirikiri.Akwụ ụgwọ site na anya mmiri, data ezigara na ihe nkesa ozugbo, nwere ike ịse foto saịtị n'ụdị ọ bụla.

  • Mobile Patrol APP with Bluetooth

    Mobile Patrol APP nwere Bluetooth

    Mobile patrol APP with bluetooth bụ nchekwa nchekwa ngwa nyocha dabere na ekwentị mkpanaaka, ọ dịghị mkpa ịzụta ihe nchekwa ngwaọrụ, nwere ike iji onye na-azụ ahịa ekwentị ka inyocha ZOOY's bluethooth checkpoint na 10m disatnce.

  • ZM-900 QR Code Patrol System Dynamic Code for Patrol Cellphone Mobile Application

    Koodu patrol Sistemu ZM-900 QR maka ngwa mkpanaaka ekwentị patrol

    ZM-900 bụ ihe ngwọta kachasị mma iji gbochie nyocha nke koodu QR adịgboroja, ọ nwere ihuenyo ike dị ala nke na-enye ume ọhụrụ QRcode mgbe niile.Site na algọridim nke ZOOY, koodu QR ezoro ezo agaghị eme ya ọzọ, yana enweghị ike decode na idetuo.Ọbụlagodi na-enyocha koodu QR adịgboroja, ngwa ahụ agaghị echekwa ya dị ka ndekọ nchegharị.Emebere ya maka gburugburu ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe na ọkwa IP65, enweghị mmiri na ihe mkpuchi.Ọbụlagodi n'okpuru ìhè anyanwụ siri ike, ọnọdụ ọkụ azụ, ZM-900 ka na-enye ahụmịhe nyocha nke ọma.